TrustCodes are universally unique alphanumeric codes (string of characters) and underlying web-based technology infrastructure for uniquely identifying valuable documents and products, verifying the authenticity thereof, and providing related information thereof.

clients --   food & beverage  |  retail  |  cpg  |  banking  |  consumer electronics  |  fashion  |  entertainment
services --   digital strategy  |  advanced analytics  |  digital audit services  |  consumer insights research  |  data mining
op/ed --   experiential marketing  |  context-based clustering  |  inventory-centralized retail  |  missing link marketing
web 2.0 implications  |  wom: just don't do it  |  social media spun different  |  the law of usefulness
blog --   blog  |  Digital Footprint Score™  |  Facebook advertising metrics and benchmarks  |  Dr. Augustine Fou Profile

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P2P Payments



our-health article



contextual commerce


leveraging globalization

in-situ marketing

entrepreneurial bug

missing link marketing